worship & tech

Worship & Tech
The Hope Church praise and worship team strives to provide an atmosphere that invites people to experience God’s presence and to immerse ourselves in the story God is telling. While worship is more than just music, music is an important part of the church’s expression of worship. Music gives expression to our God-given emotions creating space for God to enter in and bring His life-change and healing. We also sing as an act of unity as we gather as one body, and worship with one voice.
At Hope you will experience a great diversity of musical styles along with a prayerful selection of songs both modern and classic (We especially love to sing songs taken right out of scripture). Our music sets are intentionally designed to take us through songs of testimony of God’s faithfulness, songs of surrender to God and His Kingdom way of life, and songs of adoration of God’s holiness and character.
Our talented technical team provides audio, lighting, and live streaming.
Considering joining the team? Contact Erik here.