How to listen to the Holy Spirit

In the bustling rhythm of our daily lives, amidst the cacophony of voices clamoring for our attention, there exists a gentle whisper – the voice of the Holy Spirit. In John 14 and 16, Jesus assures us that the Spirit was sent to guide and lead us through direct communication. Simply put, He speaks, He declares, and He beckons us to listen.

In the heart of our faith resides the undeniable truth: the Holy Spirit is not a distant, abstract concept but a constant, guiding person in our lives. By sending the Holy Spirit, Jesus ensured that Immanuel – God with Us – remains a tangible reality for all believers. 

The Holy Spirit’s role is irreplaceable, His companionship and gifts are essential in a world where truth seems to shift with each passing trend. Amidst this flux, God’s voice remains steadfast. The very Spirit that raised Christ from the dead resides within each believer, communicating primarily through an inner witness, subtle promptings, and the timeless truths in Scripture.

Yet, do we pause to listen? Do we attune our hearts to His whisper amidst the clamor of the world? Today, I encourage you, my fellow believers, to lean in and listen intently. Pay heed to the nudges, the internal witness that stirs within you. For in the quiet moments of prayer and reflection, in the stillness of our souls, His voice breaks through.

Let us cultivate a daily practice of listening for His voice, moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day. As we open our hearts to His leading, may we also respond in obedience. For His guidance is not to be ignored but embraced, His leading not to be resisted but followed. He is so worthy to be followed.

As you journey through this week, I challenge you to seek opportunities to hear from the Holy Spirit. Pause in the midst of the chaos and listen. Be intentional about tuning your ears to His voice. And when He speaks, step out in faith, knowing that He who leads you is faithful.

Asking practical questions is a great way to start growing in your ability to hear God’s voice and be led by the Spirit. Here are a few you can try:

  • Holy Spirit, what do you want to teach me about yourself today?
  • What steps can I take to grow closer to you and my relationship with Jesus?
  • Is there anyone in my life who needs encouragement or support right now?
  • Who should I pray for?
  • Is there anyone in my life that I need to forgive?
  • What areas of my life need healing, restoration, or transformation?
  • What areas of my life am I compromising my identity in You?
  • What areas of my life need surrender (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control)? 
  • Are there opportunities for service or acts of kindness that You are calling me to today?
  • What promises from Your Word do You want me to hold onto and claim in my current circumstances?

Did you miss this week’s message on How to be Led by the Spirit? Watch here…

Living in the Spirit

Continuing in the Holy Spirit series, this past Sunday, Pastor David compared living in the natural vs. the Spirit to the 1999 film The Matrix. Both have a common thread—the journey from illusion to truth. In the film, humans are enslaved by a simulated reality, mirroring how many live entrapped by the fleeting desires and superficiality of the world, unaware of deeper eternal realities.

Living in the Spirit is not a passive state, but an active choice. It’s akin to Neo’s awakening in The Matrix, where he consciously decides to unplug from the false reality and embrace the Truth. Similarly, as Christians, we are called to make a choice. Will we continue to be ensnared by the illusions of the world, or will we surrender to the transformative power of the Spirit?

Romans 8:6 (CSB) speaks to this choice, stating, “The mindset of the flesh is death, but the mindset of the Spirit is life and peace.” Here, the contrast between the flesh and the Spirit echoes Neo’s choice between the comfortable illusion of the matrix and the true life of reality.

Yet many are captured by the busyness and distractions of life or their fleshly desires, keeping them bound to the natural rather than embracing the spiritual. These distractions blind us to the deeper realities of God.

To truly live in the Spirit, we must first recognize our identity as new creations in Christ. This realization should propel us to seek and embrace the comfort and guidance that comes from walking in the Spirit. It’s not a passive shift, but an intentional one that requires us to take deliberate steps towards spiritual growth and intimacy with God.

So how do we break free? One crucial aspect is engaging with Scripture not merely as a religious duty but as a means of encountering the Creator of the Universe. Reading and processing Scripture allows the Holy Spirit to speak and transform hearts. It’s about allowing the Word of God to penetrate deep within, leading to genuine change.

Prayer plays a vital role in this process. It’s not about presenting God with a to-do list but about engaging in meaningful conversation, sharing your thoughts, and inviting God to reveal His. Cultivating a relationship with God through prayer fosters intimacy and trust, opening the door for His transformative work.

Fellowship with God is essential. Worshiping Him not only expresses gratitude and adoration but also deepens our dependence on His constant presence. By actively leaning into God’s presence and acknowledging His sovereignty, believers align their hearts with His will, quieting the noise of lies berating us from an ever-attacking enemy.

Meditation on God and His truth is another powerful practice. It involves intentionally quieting the noise of life to focus on the realities of God. This includes reflecting on His promises, pondering His character, and allowing His truth to permeate every aspect of life.

Breaking free from the matrix of the world, its ways, and its distractions demands one’s complete self. It transcends mere compartmentalization, encompassing every aspect of our being and life. It entails actively engaging with Scripture, prayer, fellowship, worship, and meditation, allowing these practices to renew hearts and minds. By prioritizing intimacy with God and aligning with His Truth, believers discover the freedom and abundant life in living in the Spirit.

Did you miss this past Sunday’s message? Watch here…

Thanksgiving: The Risk and Reward

It’s Thanksgiving season – a time that extends beyond just one day for me. Until the quiet moments of Thanksgiving Night, November constitutes the Thanksgiving season in my heart. While many adore the holiday for its delicious feasts, my affection for Thanksgiving runs deeper than the menu – although I can’t deny the joy that pecan pie brings me.

Thanksgiving, to me, is loaded with treasured memories. Marked by the annual pilgrimage (see what I did there) to my grandmother’s house, it’s filled with the warmth of extended family. I fondly reminisce about days spent with my aunt, uncle, and cousins and the delightful surprises of last-minute in-laws, friends, and cousins of cousins. Thanksgiving is when everyone across the country desires to be with others, wrapped in cozy sweaters.

Visiting my grandmother’s, a tradition in its own right, unfolded with its set of cherished customs. Raking leaves to create the perennial family picture backdrop destined for our upcoming Christmas Card. The dining room table, adorned with grandmother’s silver and fine china, became the stage for the big meal and laughter. Then, there were the rounds of vintage board games from my mother and uncle’s childhood.

As Thanksgiving night descended, we’d converge to witness the illumination of the Rich’s Macy’s Great Tree. And spread across the living room floor, the kids would circle every enticing item in the JC Penney’s catalog, meticulously crafting elaborate wishlists. These uniquely etched memories radiate warmth through my heart, and I hold them dear. When I reflect on these memories, what truly makes them special is the people I share them with.

It’s the image of my siblings and me, tirelessly raking what seemed like a football field of a front yard until a sympathetic neighbor straps a ginormous leaf blower to my brother’s back. It’s my grandmother, following alongside me, patiently instructing me on the proper placement of each spoon, knife, and fork. It’s my uncle imparting the strategic importance of Australia’s global positioning in winning at Risk or my sister managing the Monopoly bank on the ‘honor’ system for a 7-year-old with questionable math skills.

It’s the shared laughter while flipping through the Penny’s catalog on my aunt’s lap, her gently steering my choices toward more cost-effective selections. At the same time, my mother frantically alerts us to pay attention the moment they start to sing “O, Holy Night” to light the tree. Stripping away all the activities, I am most grateful for the memories of these people. They are the heart and soul of my Thanksgiving memories.

As I age (I know some of you may roll your eyes; I’m not that old…), I am increasingly aware of the tremendous blessing and purpose God has given us in people and our community. The first time God ever declared something “not good” in the world He created was when He saw that man was alone (Genesis 2:18). Before sin and iniquity were ever a thing, there was a fundamental deficiency — the absence of community.

Is community always perfect? By no means! Community comes with risks because it exposes us to people. And, well, people are far from perfect. Community, in many ways, demands vulnerability. There is always the possibility of being let down or disappointed. The reality is that community will inevitably bring moments of hurt, just as we may sometimes hurt those in our community. But at the same time, there is always the possibility that the community will heal us, and we, in turn, can be a part of the healing.

In this Thanksgiving season, as we come together in diverse ways and with different communities, let’s reflect on the risks inherent in our gatherings. By showing up, we expose ourselves to potential hurt and heartache, but we also open the door to healing and joy. Life feels more challenging these days, and our culture has evolved in unfamiliar ways. Too often, people prioritize outrage and offense over patience and forgiveness, sacrificing generosity, hospitality, and kindness on the altar of opinions and righteousness.

Yet, when we gather, we must recognize that showing up is an act of generosity, a courageous step into vulnerability. It’s not taken lightly; there’s a genuine risk involved. However, in embracing this risk, we engage in a profound venture — the possibility of gaining one another. This act of showing up is a gift, and for that, I am grateful.

So, this Thanksgiving, my gratitude extends to those who still choose to show up. To those who, despite the potential for harm, lean into community. For every individual who gathers at the table, acknowledging the personal risk involved, yet still making that choice. I am thankful for those who risk showing up for me, recognizing that I have the capacity to misuse and abuse the gift of their presence, and yet they remain. My heart is full of gratitude for the second chances given by those who reject offense and opt for forgiveness. I thank God for those who embody grace and compassion and come together in community, for it is true, “it is not good for man to be alone.”

Missed this past Sunday’s message? Watch Here

Good News! For God’s Glory!

GOOD NEWS! The Gospel brings salvation. The Gospel is for everyone who believes. The Gospel is lived by faith. The Gospel is the power of God.

Last Sunday, we discussed our faith as Christians, highlighting what distinguishes us from other major world religions—the Gospel of Jesus. In John 14:6, Jesus boldly declares, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” This statement draws a clear line in the sand, yet it carries an inviting message—the Gospel of Jesus beckons everyone to cross that line.

The Good News of Jesus reveals our true nature: we are people in desperate need of salvation, yet simultaneously deeply loved by a just and merciful God who rescues. And Better News, our rescue isn’t contingent on our efforts but rather flows from the boundless grace and the free gift of God through the completed work of Jesus. Furthermore, the Best News is that, through His generous gift, we now live a life empowered by His Spirit, intimately connected to God.

As Paul writes in Philippians 2:13, “For it is God who is working in you both to will and to work according to His good pleasure.” In this Good, Better, Best News, what shines through is that every aspect of it is centered on God and devoted to His glory. If God does all the work, then He gets all the glory.

The essence of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus, lies in the transformation from a sinner who once chose a path of death and destruction to a believer and follower of Jesus, who is the Lord and King over death. In His profound love, He traded our death for His life and empowers us, through His Spirit, to live it out with unwavering faith.

To God Be the Glory by Fanny Crosby

To God be the glory, great things He hath done. So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,
Who yielded His life our redemption to win, and opened the life gate that all may go in.

[Chorus: Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Let the earth hear His voice.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice.
Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son. And give Him the glory; great things He hath done.]

Oh, perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, to every believer the promise of God.
The vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

[Chorus: Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Let the earth hear His voice.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice.
Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son. And give Him the glory; great things He hath done.]

Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done. And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son.
But purer, and higher, and greater will be our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see.

[Chorus: Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Let the earth hear His voice.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice.
Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son. And give Him the glory; great things He hath done.]

Missed Sunday’s message on the Gospel? Watch here…

All Saints Day

You might start your day with a Reese’s cup at breakfast, have a Snickers at lunch, enjoy some Peanut M&Ms to combat the afternoon slump, and finish with a couple of Sour Patch Kids after dinner. This day, and perhaps this week, you might indulge in more “treats” than usual. Whether it’s due to the parental “candy tax” or the lure of grocery store sales, it’s important to remember the significance of today.

November 1st is All Saints Day, also known as All Hallows’ Day. Traditionally, on this day, believers honor and remember all the saints, both the well-known and unsung heroes, who have lived lives of unwavering faith and embodied God’s love and grace. It’s a day to celebrate the unity among followers of Jesus and to reflect on the lives of those who’ve come before us, leaving a legacy of faith, hope, and love.

As you indulge in a Whopper or two, take a moment to think of those who dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel to unreached nations and peoples worldwide. People like William Carey, the Father of Modern Missions, who proclaimed the Gospel in India and worked on translating the Bible into Bengali. Or Adoniram and Ann Judson, the first American missionaries to serve overseas in Burma, leading thousands to Christ. And Lottie Moon, who served as a single woman in China and raised awareness about global mission efforts in America.

But don’t forget those whose lives played a pivotal role in your own faith journey, even if they seem less “adventurous”. I think of Ms. Billie, the kind old lady at my childhood church whose faithful attendance and never-ending supply of candy from her purse provided a sense of steadfast kindness that I came to associate with the people of God. I recall Mrs. Turner, my 5th-grade assistant teacher, who showed me the patience and love of Jesus, even during my rebellious moments, and encouraged my faith from a young age. And I happily remember my sweet Grandmother, the matriarch of our family, who instilled faith in her children and left a legacy of a family devoted to Jesus in their homes, churches, and communities.

This week, as you enjoy your candy and take advantage of sales, take a moment to reflect on those who’ve come before you. Just as each candy has its unique style and flavor, so do the beloved saints who have their unique stories and legacies. They remind us of the sweetness of faith, the richness of hope, and the enduring love of God. Amid the candy wrappers, remember the lives and teachings of those who have left earthly life and a legacy that continues to inspire and motivate us to love God more. May we find moments to savor and reflect in gratitude and celebration on this All Saints Day, and may we be encouraged to live in a way that leaves a legacy for others to love Jesus.