Who Are You?

“Who are you?” It’s a question we often encounter in various settings, whether at a social gathering or during a new encounter. These moments can be awkward, as we’re expected to share a little about ourselves. Personally, I’m not fond of these situations. The typical responses of sharing your name, relationship status, and job fail to genuinely convey who anyone is.

In a world that encourages superficial labels and surface-level introductions, losing sight of our true identity is easy. We are much more than a mere collection of facts or the roles we play in society. I once heard it said that if something can be taken away from you, then it is not your true identity. When we run our “tell us about yourself” answers through the “can this be taken away from me” filter, it becomes pretty revealing what we find our identity in.

Where we live, our jobs, possessions, interests, and hobbies are excluded from the equation. The popular notion that identity is based on feelings and emotions unravels when we realize how easily they can change. Even something as simple as skipping a meal can make someone feel like a different person. Identities found in human relationships, such as being a parent or spouse, often prove fragile when faced with the passage of time, the departure of children from home, the breakdown of marriages, or when unforeseen tragedies occur.

This is the gift of finding our identity in Christ. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” The eternal consistency of Jesus serves as an unwavering assurance of who we truly are. No matter how noble it may seem, identity in anything else will always be unstable. If it is fluid, it is inherently unstable. And if it is unstable, it will not withstand the assaults of an enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy us. Therefore, we must look to Christ, and Christ alone, to discover our true selves. This week, take some time to reflect upon the unstable descriptors you tend to use to define yourself. Ask God to speak and reveal how He identifies you. Pay attention to any new descriptions that the Holy Spirit may bring to light.

God’s Masterpieces

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

We are God’s workmanship. Not something manufactured off the conveyer belt or assembly line of creation. As a master craftsman works with a piece of wood or clay to create something hand-crafted for a unique purpose, so we are God’s handiwork. Some translations capture the true sentiment of this in proclaiming, “We are God’s masterpiece.”

In Jesus, you are God’s masterpiece, intricately crafted with purpose. Faith in Christ is not just about wiping out a sin debt; it completely transforms your position, identity, and purpose. In Him, you are unconditionally loved, completely forgiven, and fully accepted. Your past mistakes and societal labels no longer define you. The Creator defines you. In Christ, you are chosen, redeemed, and set free to represent God as His beloved child. Your true identity is not rooted in worldly achievements or disappointments but in the unchanging truth of who God declares you to be.

Embracing our identity in Christ empowers us to live purposefully, love boundlessly, and impact this world for Jesus and His Kingdom. Ask Holy Spirit to help you see yourself as God sees you. Ask for a deeper understanding (revelation) of your true identity in Jesus. Let this truth sink deeper, penetrating every aspect of your life, enabling you to walk confidently. Know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, deeply loved, and called to fulfill a unique purpose in God’s kingdom.


For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses. Matthew 6:14-15

Wow! The words spoken by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount leave no room for ambiguity. He boldly reveals the undeniable connection between giving forgiveness to others and receiving forgiveness from God. Forgiveness is not a matter of personal preference. It is a command by Jesus to His followers, and it plays a vital role in experiencing the fullness of God’s mercy. Paul echoes this truth in Colossians 3:13, where he urges believers to embody His forgiveness by extending it to others. Embracing this call requires patience, understanding, and a genuine willingness to release the offenses committed against us in response to the gracious forgiveness God has shown us. As recipients of His immeasurable forgiveness, Christians reflect His character, show others His grace, and extend forgiveness to those around us.

However, releasing offense and choosing to forgive is not always easy. Sometimes it may even seem impossible. Here are some helpful practices to remember when the opportunity for offense presents itself:

Take time daily to reflect on the profound forgiveness given to you by Jesus. Remind yourself of the depth of your own forgiveness, allowing it to fuel your ability to extend grace and mercy to others.

Forgiveness is not a feeling. It is a choice. Waiting until you feel like forgiving may hinder the process indefinitely. Remember, delayed obedience is the first step toward disobedience.

Cultivate the practice of pre-forgiveness. As you start your day, even before your feet touch the ground, acknowledge that someone might offend you. Make a conscious decision to forgive them in advance. Make this commitment out loud by saying, “I choose right now to forgive anyone and everyone for any hurt or offense they may cause me today.”

Make it a personal goal to live an unoffendable life. Ultimately, the responsibility for being offended and living in a state of offense rests on us, not the offender. We have control over our attitudes and actions, and choosing not to be offended is a powerful testament to spiritual maturity and faith in Jesus.

Missed Pastor David’s message on Freedom in Forgiveness? Watch Here

Words have power

“No foul language should come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29

We have heard it said that our words have power, and that is true. In some circles, people talk about the power of our words as self-affirmations or confessions. While that’s also true, there is another way to look at it. Our words have power over others. This verse says our words can give grace for the hearer. Grace is an empowering force. When we say things like I need grace for today, ” we mean that we need divine power for the strength to make it through the day. So, there is a connection between grace and power. 

Our words have the power to tear down or build up. So today, let us make a habit of building up rather than tearing down. Let’s decide to use our words to uplift and empower those around us. We can make a positive difference in the lives of the people we encounter every day.

Missed Sunday’s message from the RELATE series? Watch Here

Unconditional Love

It’s common for relationships to start with infatuation rather than love. Infatuation often involves the belief that someone fulfills a need for us, which is not the same as love. So where does love begin? The most well-known verse in the Bible, John 3:16, offers an example of true love. Jesus explains that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son so that those who believe in Him will have eternal life. It’s important to pay attention to what Jesus is saying about love and relationships, even if we’re familiar with this verse.

God’s love for humanity is sacrificial and unconditional. He loved us first, even before we knew we needed Him. He didn’t require anything from us or make His love conditional on our behavior or response. In giving us His love, He didn’t seek to have His needs met. God’s love was given to us freely, without conditions, merit, or any need being met.

Unconditional love is something we all desire, and when we experience it, we’re drawn to it like a magnet. Without conditions or expectations, this kind of love can be given to others. It’s a love that wins people’s hearts, and when you win someone’s heart, you win the person. When we experience this type of love from God, we’re then able to give it to others without merit or expectation. This is the way of Jesus: to receive God’s love for ourselves and then give it to others, loving them because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). Read more about God’s love and loving others in 1 John 4:7-21

Missed Sunday’s message? Watch Here

Persistence in Prayer

Prayer is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith, yet it can be challenging for many believers to maintain consistency in their prayer life. Persistence is essential not only in the act of praying itself but also in the specific requests we make to God. Unfortunately, when we don’t see immediate results, we may become discouraged, allowing worry and doubt to take hold.

Thankfully, James 5:16 reminds us that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Through persistent prayer, we demonstrate our faith in God’s ability to work in our lives and the lives of those around us. Our persistence in seeking God deepens our relationship with Him, allowing us to grow in faith and align ourselves with His purposes. When we surrender our cares and worries to Him, we experience His peace and comfort.

Jesus himself emphasized the importance of persistence in prayer, as seen in Luke 18:1-8, where he tells the parable of a persistent widow who eventually received justice from an unjust judge. Unlike the unjust judge, our Heavenly Father desires to hear and answer our prayers. Therefore, we must continue to bring our requests to Him with faith and persistence, knowing that He will respond according to His perfect will.